Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrows are one of the most important facial features, that specify a human’s looks and represent a significant part of the mimic language.
Eyebrow loss has a major influence on a person’s psychological state. It contributes to loss of self-confidence, that’s why lots of people resort to provisional solutions by applying temporary or permanent make-up. Nowadays eyebrow transplant is one of the easiest hair transplant procedures, but eyebrows have different shapes and forms, depending on the person’s facial features, that’s why this procedure is different from hair transplant.
The operation will be done by FUE technique. The most important part in eyebrow transplant is matching the eyebrow shape with the person’s face lines.
Very tiny needles must be used during the extraction and implant. Some light redness will appear after the surgery.
During eyebrow transplant, the grafts must be single haired. The grafts will fall two weeks after the implantation and grow again permanently 4 months later.